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What does the $1000 tuition pay for?

The tuition pays for the 5 module sessions and also helps offset costs associated with lodging and food.


What can I expect?

Each session is a day long depending on speakers/instructors. You can anticipate team building, 8-10 hours of instruction and class project. The outcome will be a close network of colleagues.


How do I know if I am ready for leadership? What do recruiters look for in potential leaders?

Leadership Academy is geared toward anyone at any level who shows interest in wanting to give back, be involved and grow. It is not a check the box. There needs to be a willingness to approach the opportunity with a desire to learn, grow and establish a tight network


How important is the reference letters required in the application?

Reference letters demonstrate a commitment you have in wanting to be part of the academy, and a willingness on your part to express to those writing the letter that you are interested in developing your leadership skills.


What is the purpose of Leadership Academy?

Leadership Academy is a pipeline to introduce and motivate emerging leaders to engage in their State and Local associations. The program allows  for development skills on a personal and professional level, without the promise of a leadership position. The academy is geared towards individuals who either expressed or were recruited because they genuinely care about showing up and making a difference. Leadership programs across the nations, regardless of industry addresses the prevailing sense of apathy all industries experience. We are all very familiar with the phrase, “If you want something done, ask a busy person” these are the people who show up and its usually the same people. Leadership Academy is focused on creating a means for individuals to “break-in” and strengthen their skills.  The lessons learn apply to every aspect of your life, whether you own your own business, volunteer at church or coach youth sports.


How do I pay?

Contact the Alaska REALTORS office at 907.563.7133 for credit card payment or make out a check and mail to: Alaska REALTORS, 4205 Minnesota Drive, Anchorage, AK 99503

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